Hi noobs. I'm damn sad now, cause I just lost myself.
I lost my self esteem... Okay I got alotta self esteem for alotta different things, and I lost one of the most important ones, which is the one which makes me funny, sociable, dramatic, the MAIN part of myself. I haven't even made a person laugh properly since like JUNE, after some FUCKING idiot did sth to drastically lower my self esteem. Keilin knows. Keilin knows everything :) OKay so anyway, now I'm constantly appearing tired, I cant laugh properly, cant joke, cant give any joy to friends ANYMORE. Even if I do its not as much, hate it. Don't hate myself, just hate... er, IT.
And then to add up to this, the person like I super super am STILL NOT OVER WITH (suppose to be 5 months ago that I got over her) is still unaware that I am like, totally in loke (like + love) with her. I have become what I always hate to be, TYPICAL. Typical teenager in love, heartbroken yadah yadah usual story. Not interesting, boring life. Spice it up, cheng.... Alright, shall just have to wait till the feelings fade. I think Its like way, better I don't tell her how I feel lest something happens to our already SO SMALL friendship. <--- HAHA broken english.
And one more thing, WHY DOES MY BLOG HAVE NO FREAKING SPAMMERS. I mean I don't know why people spam and all but... once a while? please? OK WAIT, BEFORE YOU GO TO THE TAGBOARD TO SPAM, please write in full length
Anyway, that's bout it in my life. Now, short notes. or points rather.
Auredy's posts are making me freaking smile.
I didn't know the other SC in my tagboard was
I'm gonna change my blog font.
I'm still downloading Assassins Creed for my laptop. XBOX360 malfunctioning for dunno what reasons.
Everyday going Jareb house with Klin, Kel, Clare, and the other Cheng. It's boring life now. We're all doing different things, no one's doing anything together. We are slowly rotting ourselves away. Science centre anyone? HEY THAT'S AN IDEA.
Alright bye.